





USA,California more than 40 years old.
Register Nurse; Skin problem: sensitive skin, most chemical additives in skincare products are not acceptable.
This type of product had been searched for a long long time! For more than 20 years, I had tried to avoid contacting my skin with unnecessary chemicals.I have used 2 boxes. My skin looks younger now! I share this secret with my patients and friends!



平時使用面霜跟面膜作為睡前保養,但也時常覺得不夠保濕,大約半年前,媽媽介紹我微齡高效安瓶(reveille Intensive)。使用之後肌膚保水滑順、出油狀況也大幅降低,從此後我愛上微齡,也跟同事們分享這麼好用的產品,同事們也紛紛認為微齡高效安瓶(reveille Intensive)對長時間待在無塵室和冷氣室工作的人來說,是最簡單好用的護膚品牌。


Grace ,PHD. In California. More than 40 years old. Oil skin.

Director of manufacturing skin problem: dry& oil skin, enjoy outdoor activities, only powder-free skin care product is allowed in working space."Routinely working in a cleanroom from 9 to 5 for 2 years, my skin feels very dry and oily during the working hours.

My only bedtime skincare including masking and facial cream seems not enough.   My mom introduced reveille Intensive to me about 6 months ago. Since then I fell in love with this product. My skin feels less oily and very few acne outbreaks. I feel my skin is much healthier. Just like me, my coworkers fell that reveille Intensive is the simplest and best skincare solution for people who stay in clean room for long hours." Grace, Ph.D.







我是個空姐,你知道嗎?飛機上的空氣溼度比沙漠還要低,為了保水我嘗試了各種保養品,一直都沒有很好的效果,皮膚時常還是感到乾燥,直到reveille Intensive的出現,我使用大概10天後,皮膚就有很明顯地改善,我感覺肌膚由內而外都水水的,保濕力很長效、足夠,一整天都不乾澀。

我的肌膚柔嫩又保水,reveille Intensive讓我有非常驚豔的體驗,我想我會持續使用它,推薦給所有待在冷氣室的你們

Share with you to solve the concern of the skin dry  ~I am a flight attendant.Do you know”The air humidity inside the plane is lower than  in the desert. I have been tried various skin care products.It has not been very effective. The skin often feels dry until the reveille Intensive appears. After about 10 days, I have skin. Obviously improved, I feel that the skin is watery from the inside out, the moisturizing power is long-lasting, enough, and it doesn't dry up all day.My skin is soft and water-retaining, and reveille Intensive gives me a very amazing experience. I think I will continue to use it and recommend it to all you stay in the air-conditioned room~



機艙內空服人員、半導體廠和無塵室的工作人員   長時間處於低濕度環境下,會比其他工作環境的人,更容易產生水分不足的現象,若加上輪班更易導致皮膚老化。

  • 利用微脂體包囊技術,以卵磷脂包覆玻尿酸和膠原蛋白等有效成份,並壓縮到250奈米以下,讓微齡更容易吸收。
  • 2分鐘內即可完全吸收,深入滲透到所需的皮膚深處,提供皮膚由內到外所需的膠原蛋白和玻尿酸。
  • 卵磷脂是人體本有,具親水性及親油性,使用微齡後,再補水或敷面膜,保濕效果加倍,更讓缺水皮膚迅速恢復到原來的好狀況。
  • 提供六胜肽膠原蛋白,增進皮膚新陳代謝,可讓膚質膚色變好,玻尿酸可增進皮膚彈性及皮膚緊實性,減少細紋、皺紋和下垂,由內而外的效果。
  • 不含化學性滲透劑、光亮劑矽靈系列等不必要的化學成份,不小心抹到眼睛,也不會有刺激性。